Presentatevi a’ #LaDiligenzaDelSapere; invitate chi può esserne meritevole; divulgate i suoi sentieri... potreste divenirne i crocevia.
Potreste salire a bordo de’ #LaDILIGENZA!!_!!
/ Introduce yourself to the #LaDiligenzaDelSapere; invite those who can be worthy of it; divulge your paths... you could become the crossroads.
You could board aboard #LaDILIGENZA!!_!!
/ Présentez-vous à la #LaDiligenceDelSapere; inviter ceux qui peuvent en être dignes; divulgue tes chemins... tu pourrais devenir le carrefour.
Vous pouvez monter à bord de #LaDILIGENZA!!_!!
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